Monday, February 4, 2013

Results are IN!

First of all, I must admit keeping up with a blog proved to be harder than I thought. Work and life has been crazy busy and for some reason logging on to Google from my iPad seems clunky. Since I am on my lap top alllll day at work finding the motivation to break it out at night was tough.

The 12 weeks are technically up. I am UBER proud of my girl Ellie May who joined me on this challenge. She won't let me get my hands on her before / after pics, but she lost 10" and 12 lbs. Her pictures look incredible. And I have to say... THANK GOD for pictures. The plan asks you to track three things; your weight, your measurements, and take weekly pictures. If I had not done those three things I would have been very disappointed just going by the scale.

For who ever is out there reading this and finds this information helpful... here goes. As for me during the 12 weeks the scale would fluctuate 6 - 8 pounds. I would be down 4 then up 2 and down 5 then up 3. I think I ended the 12 weeks pretty close to my starting weight.. in all honesty. However, the changes that I can see in pictures and the fact that my work pants fall off of me tell me that I made definite progress. But, I will say that I am disappointed in myself because I could have done better. Most of what I know I need to do was hard to sometimes get done on a consistent basis certain weeks. The gym wasn't a problem. I always made it to the gym but I think I could have done more with my workouts when it came to weights and balance that with the cardio. I logged a TON of hours on the Stair Master and I really think that sticking more to the weight workouts is a key to success. Second, meal preps were hard. I did make good choices when I didn't bring my food to work, but again I could have done better. Also, I embarked on this right in the beginning of the holidays so cocktails were not totally eliminated. I will say that having a major awareness of every little thing I was eating and drinking kept me very disciplined during the holidays but I was not perfect.

So having said all this, I have decided that I am going to work really hard for the next 6 weeks to try to make up for my occasional slip ups. That will put me pretty close to Spring Break so it will be good to have a goal. I found some videos (Body Rock TV - Lisa Marie) that have super hard but easy to follow workouts that I am going to incorporate. I will go to the gym prepared and force myself to balance my weights & cardio. I am also going to try (I know I have said this before) but I really am going to try to become more of a morning gym person so that some days I can fit in 2 workouts. Last but not least I will do a much better job with my diet and eliminate the cocktails. I don't really drink much so that won't be hard, but I need to focus on it so that I don't drink empty calories on the weekends.

I am not going to post my before/ afters.. yet. Maybe I will get brave in 6 weeks.

I just went back and reread this post and realized that it sounds more "negative" than I want. I should really stress that although I don't feel I did as well as I could have, I have seen a big change in my body but more importantly I feel stronger and I am not talking physically. I really feel in control and that I can do whatever I set my mind to doing. I feel the best I have felt in a long time, maybe ever. And for a girl who has a BIG BIRTHDAY coming up later this year, that is pretty good.

I've also discovered that it's ok to be selfish with your time and treat yourself to things you enjoy. There is an incredible power in both.
Here is to starting over... Reset.

Love me some Lulu

LOVE LOVE LOVE the Lululemon Manifesto. Read it.
 It has some powerful quotes. Some of my favorites are all over my shirt. :-D

Thursday, January 3, 2013

I have said it before, and I will say it again....

You can work out until the cows come home, but until you are ready, willing, and able to radically change your diet YOUR BODY WILL NOT CHANGE.

I spent the most time I ever spent at the gym and took up running on top of that yet all I did was "watch" what I ate. I still had the occasional cocktail. I thought that by hitting the gym & running that I would not only negate that, but also lose weight ... NOPE.

Tons of hours GONE. Thousands spent on a trainer, GONE. It wasn't until I FINALLY listened to my trainer and followed her diet regimen that I started to see major change. So, if you are not ready to do that.... keep hitting the gym, keep up with your walking, running, etc. It's good for your heart. But, don't expect to come swimming out of your clothes.

And this thought deserves a post all by itself.

If you are interested in getting a sample weekly menu... let me know.


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Full disclosure ... On the wagon

First things first, for those that are following... THANK YOU!!! I was hesitant at first to start up a blog but I am so glad I did. I have been REALLY moved by so many requests for the link and the motivational messages I have gotten. I didn't realize that so many of us struggle with the same challenges. It can be a little scary to share, but y'all have made it worth it. YOU are also helping me hold myself accountable, so THANK YOU!

Ok, so in the spirit of full disclosure I want to say that the holidays were a bit tough, but not because of "temptations" per say but just time. I was able to make it to the gym and keep up with  my work outs but the food prep fell off the list. Luckily I still made good choices whenever possible but I was not as strict with my diet as I had been prior to the holidays. I definitely made more concessions.

One thing that helped about being on some sort of program and knowing that I was going to have to take weekly pictures, measurements, etc was that when I was in a social setting I made good choices and my number of "bad" bites were far less than what I would have done had I not been working on my fitness. I did have cocktails as well, but I again far more selective.

I am not going to beat myself up over it because as I have said before... life is short. This effort is self imposed and the holidays come once. This year, my parents came to visit and I really did as much as possible to make it wonderful for everyone. From decorating, to countless trips to Costco, Trader Joes, etc etc etc. There were candles blazing, Christmas music playing, and plenty of food & drink. I did the best that I could but I wasn't perfect. But, for the remainder of this challenge I will do my best to stay on track.

More blogs & pics to come... Stay tuned....


Monday, December 31, 2012


The New Year always seems to be the perfect time to set new goals. AKA.. resolutions. But, really at any time you can pause and make a list of things you want to accomplish and set goals for yourself. I don't know if it's my sales mentality or what but, I think that in order to be effective you have to have some sort of list but more importantly a plan. Having a list forces you not only to hold yourself accountable, but also to measure how far you have come. Change whether it be in relationships, work, house decor, your body, etc doesn't happen over night. One thing that I have gotten out of the 12 week program is that a multi pronged approach is helpful. The program asks you to take weekly pictures, measurements, and weight check ins. Sometimes 2 of the 3 are good or 1 of the 3 but the fact that there is progress somewhere is motivating in itself.

Back to goals... I think to some degree all the jobs that I have had post college have involved "sales" on some point. Because I enjoyed it and I was sort of naturally good at talking to people, helping them make decisions, and ultimately getting the sale I felt that tracking the sales process and tracking to a company "goal" was cumbersome. My sales were typically always good and if I had a bad day, week, or month I was confident enough that I would make it up and I usually always did.

When I sold real estate I was so busy that I didn't worry about setting goals. I felt like the sales would come and I was too busy focused on showing houses and marketing my listings that I didn't have time to sit down and chart a path. My Broker would ask me every year, "How much money do you want to make?" followed by, "How many houses do you have to sell to get to that number?".... But, as crazy as it sounds those things weren't my "motivators". Now, it wasn't my hobby and I certainly enjoyed the income but I was doing something that I enjoyed and the money came. For me it was about being the best I could be to my clients by making sure they had a smooth experience. From there, came referrals and everything sort of worked out. I had a clear marketing strategy around my listings and in the end I felt that was what mattered.

However, a few years back I had a boss that was very goal oriented. He forced me to read books by well known business motivators. I slowly started to drink the Kool-Aid. I began to write down long term goals and then break them up into monthly and weekly goals. Sometimes a big number or a major change can be overwhelming, but if you break it down into baby steps it makes everything seem attainable.

Writing things down is step one. That alone gives you a sense of accomplishment. But, you have to keep that list visible and you have to also write your progress and constantly reevaluate.

When it comes to my weight/ body image that is something that I do for me. I have a ton of other goals (professionally and personally) that I work on each day, but this blog is to share my fitness journey. If I can give any advice, it's to take WEEKLY pictures, measurements, and do a weekly weigh in. The scale is my worst enemy because it doesn't always move and sometimes when it does move, it moves in the wrong direction. But, I can tell by my measurements and specifically the way my clothes fit that I have made progress.

One other tip... don't wait until Sunday or Monday to "start over" if you stumble. Start immediately. Pour out that drink. Put down that dessert. ;-)

Now, to write down some resolutions for 2013...

Happy New Year!
Be safe...


Wednesday, December 19, 2012

'Tis the Season....

Fa la la la!!!!!

I promise, I have not forgotten about this blog. I just can't seem to find enough hours in the day to get everything done. Rather than be overwhelmed each day I worry / attack the things I need for the next day, then the next, then the next. But, it's the time of year of lots of gatherings, last minute invites, unexpected visitors, so even with the best intentions plans don't always play out as intended. BUT, I am ENJOYING every minute of it because as we are too often reminded... life is short. So, I am holding myself accountable to my fitness and nutrition but I have also been a bit more "flexible". HOWEVER, come Jan 1st there is a new sheriff in town... promise.

Quick update. Diet is going well. Pretty much sticking to the same plan although I have not been prepping my meals like I should so often times I end up paying $$$ to eat clean by having to order food and pick it up. But, I really am making every effort to make good choices. I have been having vodka or a glass or two of wine at holiday functions. (FULL DISCLOSURE) Again, my health is good and this challenge is self imposed. The holidays just come once a year so moderation is the key that I have been using for the last couple weeks. And I really believe it's helping because if I didn't have this little voice inside my head reminding me of my goals I would be a lot more experimental at parties and probably have a few more drinks. I can honestly say, that I feel great and I am so much happier with just one or two drinks and the ability to pop up the next day and get a solid work out in. NOTHING tastes or feels as good as your body changing. At least not for me.

Speaking of health... I had my physical a couple of weeks ago. I was pretty anxious about it because when I booked it I realized that I totally missed last year and it had been just about 2 years since my last one. !!!! I am a hypochondriac at heart so even though I feel great I always worry that they are going to "find something" abnormal which will probe into further testing which will result of me dying of something. =( I am happy to report that I got a clean bill of health. All my lab work was normal and the only thing my doctor feels I need to tweak is to add more Vitamin D to my diet and he suggested a supplement. DONE!

Before I wrap this up I want to share a TOTAL DEAL that I found at the GOODWILL!!! I was shopping for an Ugly Sweater for a Tacky Sweater party and I saw this shinny top with tags still attached!!! Gotta love a dry fit Nike top with the thumb holes and all. It's soooo comfy. I rocked it for the first time last weekend and didn't want to take it off. #Poppin'Tags.

I suppose that my $4.97 top makes up for the DAMAGE I did today in between meetings at the Lululemon store. OH MY GOSH. But, seriously how can you put a price on a pair of pants that shrink your butt?? I don't know what kind of magic those clothes have but you put them on and your body just changes. I love a good deal, but sometimes it's worth it to splurge on certain things.

Last but not least... From a scale perspective I have dropped about 4 lbs and measurements about 3 inches in all. I can tell the biggest change in how my clothes fit and that alone gives me an incredible amount of motivation. Not to mention that holiday parties mean seeing people that sometimes you haven't seen in a year... and when people say "WOW... You look great." That feels PHENOMENAL too!!!!!

More soon... Promise.
Ho Ho Ho


Holiday Party #1
December 7, 2012

Friday, November 30, 2012

TGIF... another week almost down...

Soooo busy so this is going to be quick.

Food wise, doing great. Getting sorta bored with the chicken and egg whites but fortunately, I am able to change it up when I go out to eat and make healthy / clean choices ALWAYS for lunch and  for dinner I choke down the chicken and salad and veges. My snacks this week have mainly been apples and Greek yogurt. Not at the same time, but one or the other. Those are more carbs that I want at times, but work has been nuts and grabbing one or the other is easy.

I've been able to get into the gym all week but my best work outs have been my cardio. I've been so tired at night that I have been lacking a little mojo but I plan on making it up this weekend and hitting the weights hard. Next week, I am really going to get back on track with not mixing around my days and sticking to the plan. This week I mixed up my rest day because of a conflict, but I am still IN THE GYM.

The good news is my work pants are soooooo looooose. They are falling off of me, which is crazy in part because according to my measuring tape I haven't lost THAT many inches.

Ok.. crazy busy with work, holiday stuff, and now boys basketball. Gotta run. I will update this weekend. Sorta excited to take my weekly pic. I think I will see a difference. Also, I've been using tanning lotion religiously. A little color goes a looong way.


Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Super quick...Weigh in

I feel like I am already caught up in the madness (and fun) of the season. It's not even December 1st and I already feel like I am totally behind. Even though, my house is TOTALLY decorated (with the exception of the tree...which we are getting this weekend) and I have made a dent in my Christmas shopping. I've also managed to grab a bunch of cute little things. No idea who they are going to, but I can never pass up a funky, fun holiday gift. Next thing I need to stock up on is candles. I LOVE LOVE LOVE to have my house smelling like the season.

Good news is I am super on track this week with my diet and I got a good workout yesterday. I forgot my print out AND my workout gloves so I flip flopped my workout. I ended up doing cardio yesterday (LOVE ME SOME STAIR MASTER) and I will do arms today... Giddy Up.

The reason for my quick update is because although I measured on Sunday, I didn't weigh in until yesterday. 3lbs down so far. But, I really don't care about the scale. I am more concerned with my measurements and I can tell my progress with how my clothes fit.

That's it for now. Crazy busy at work so I gotta run so that I can get out of here on time and get those arms in!!